
So after some days of beign a bit busy, I'm returning, and so the creepypasta!
Today I'll post a small one, hopefully tomorrow I'm going to post some more lengthy.

So, here it is:


If you are watching television, and the signal cuts out to static, turn the TV off immediately. If you watch the static on TV for long enough, the static will suddenly pause. All sound in the room will cease; even the white noise of the TV itself will disappear. If this happens you must not look away from the screen. You will probably not notice at the time, before you lose your gaze on the TV, your body will freeze as well. Time around and with you have paused completely. Specks of the black and white dots slowly come to life, creeping slowly in seemingly random directions. Not static as you know it, but organizing themselves into a moving picture again in front of you. As the static returns to normal, and the white noise of the TV comes back, you will regain control of your body.

You must never watch that television again. It will only play static, even when unplugged. If you watch the static any longer, these same events will reoccur, but with disastrous results. What exactly happens is unknown, as it is obvious that anyone that has been unfortunate enough to experience this has disappeared. It is rumored that if one continues to watch the static again, or during their experience, looks away, the white and black specks will slowly start to move again, but you will not. Your eyes will then be permanently fixated on the screen as you watch the picture come back to life, and what seems to be your station's signal return. You learn soon this is not the case, as all sound is still absent, and the picture on the TV shows a familiar surrounding: the room in which you sit.

The only thing you see next is movement on the TV, as you see yourself from behind, and subsequently, the cause of your disappearance.


  1. Pony said...

    Old tvs have always been scary anyway lol.

  2. Haha, I have static disabled on my TV..In your face static body snatching bish! XD kewl read!

  3. I agree with Pony lol

  4. Fwission said...

    I hate static when I accidently change the channel. It scares me and now after reading this it will scare me more!

  5. Dave said...

    Im always waiting for something to jump out at me lol.

  6. Alphalpha said...

    Ha, never thought about it before but Pony and daniel are right...

  7. Anonymous said...

    O_O static is creepy. The information accidentally picked up by the tv.

  8. Nicolas Cage said...


  9. Amalek said...

    more of this stuff dude

  10. mindph said...

    Welcome back on the blogs!

  11. Anonymous said...

    reminds me of the ring lol

  12. Anonymous said...

    Good read, and lives up to the blogs title. :D

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